Genshin Impact Amethyst Lump Location Guide: Where to Find Amethyst Lump

Tapi Ampa
By Tapi Ampa 3 Min Read

Amethyst Lump is a purple ore that is found exclusively in Inazuma introduced in Genshin Impact version 2.0. It is a forging material that can be used for forging weapons such as Amenoma Kageuchi, Hakushin Ring, Hamayumi, Katsuragikiri Nagamasa, and Kitain Cross Spear. Follow this guide to find the locations of Amethyst Lump.

Best Places to find Amethyst Lump

There are 136 Amethyst Lumps on the Genshin Impact map. 50 of them are required to forge a single weapon. Therefore it is necessary to farm them beforehand.

Narukami Island

The Grand Nurakami Shrine has about 6 Amethyst Lump especially near stone walls and water bodies. Araumi in Narukami Island is another spot for farming Amethyst Lump. About 8 of them can be found near the seashore. Along the edge of the river in Konda Village, 9 Amethyst Lumps can be found. Mt Yougou on the island has about 7 of them. Teleport to the Kamisato Estate and move towards the water body to find around 6 Amethyst Lumps. Inazuma City also contains five Amethyst Lumps. However, players must note that the items are underneath the urban structures.


Kannazuka Island

5 out of 8 Amethyst Lumps can be found near the teleport in Kujou Encampment in Kannazuki Island. The island bridge that connects the Kujau Encampment with Tatarasuna contains seven Amethyst Lumps. Tatarasuna’s mountains, and the small electro island in front of it, are the biggest sources of Amethyst Lumps in Genshin Impact containing 15 lumps. The Jakotsu Mine contains six Amethyst Lumps, and players can begin their farming route from the domain in the region.

Yashiori Island

Amethyst Lumps are found all over Yashiori Island especially in areas like Musoujin Gorge, Higi Village, in between Serpent’s Head and Maagu Kenki, Jakotsu Mine, etc. Follow the map below to find the locations of the lumps.

Genshin Impact is a free-to-play gacha-based role-playing game currently available on PC, PS4, PS5, Android, and iOS

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