Genshin Impact Nobushi Location Guide: Where to Find Nobushi

Tapi Ampa
By Tapi Ampa 2 Min Read

Nobushi is a boss enemy in the new Genshin Impact update i.e. version 2.0. They are samurai who have fallen into banditry. Sometimes they also come as mini-bosses in some world quests or in some specific locations. If one has rolled for Kamisato Ayaka then it is sure that they are in need of a material called handguards. Nobushi droppings include handguards of three types depending on their and your world level.

Best Places to Locate Nobushi

The first and foremost way to find Nobushi would be directly going into the Adventurer’s Handbook to locate them on the map. However, Adventurer’s Handbook does not have all the listed Nobushi locations. Therefore this guide is there to help you. Although Nobushis can be found all over the Inazuma map, there are three specific locations that have the most concentrated amount of Nobuishis to make it easier to farm handguards.

Jinren Island

Located in the Northernmost part of Inazuma, 18 Nobushi can be found on this small island. One can easily reach the island using a waverider to unlock the one and only teleport that is on the island.


Higi Village

Another one of the highest concentrated places to farm Nobushi droppings would be Higi Village. Very close to each other are around 18 Nobushis in this village. This makes it easier to farm handguards.

Nazuchi Island

Last but not the least, Nazuchi Island joins the list of Nobushi locations although less in number of Nobushi found here than the other two locations.

Genshin Impact is a free-to-play gacha-based role-playing game currently available on PC, PS4, PS5, Android, and iOS.

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