How To Fix ‘Server Under Maintenance’ Error in Tower of Fantasy

Karan Yadav
By Karan Yadav 2 Min Read

In our how to fix “server under maintenance” guide, we will share information on how you can fix this problem in Tower of Fantasy.

Tower of Fantasy has finally arrived in several countries for Android, iOS, and PC platforms, and players are already disturbed by its “Server Under Maintenance” issues. When they are trying to launch the game, they are getting a server under maintenance message on their screen.

Seeing that, we have prepared a handy guide on how you can fix the “Server Under Maintenance” error in Tower of Fantasy.


How To Fix ‘Server Under Maintenance’ Error in Tower of Fantasy

As you know, Tower of Fantasy has just arrived today, and several players will be playing this game at the same time, so probably due to overcrowding, the server might have been shut down for maintenance. To check if the server is indeed under maintenance, visit the Tower of Fantasy official website.

The unavailability of the game in their region could also be one of the reasons players are getting this “Server Under Maintenance” error on their screen. If this is the case, there is nothing you can do to fix this problem. You will have to wait until the game is available in your region. But if the game is available in your region and still you are getting this error message, try restarting your router and check if it is working.

Tower of Fantasy is an online multiplayer action-adventure role-playing game currently available on Android, iOS, and PC platforms.

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