How to Get Pufferfish in Genshin Impact?

Tapi Ampa
By Tapi Ampa 2 Min Read

Pufferfish is one of those rare fish in Genshin Impact 2.1. They can be found in only 5 locations in Teyvat. Pufferfish can be fished using Fake Fly Bait. Get your bait blueprints from Nantuck in Mondstadt Fishing Association. To craft it, you will need 1x Sakura Bloom and 1x Horsetail. Sometimes, you may have to change between day and night time, or you have to catch a few fish to make the Puffer Fish appear.

Here are all the locations to farm Pufferfish.

Pufferfish locations

There are 2 types of Pufferfish, the normal Pufferfish, and the Bitter Pufferfish. This article will focus on only the normal Pufferfish. These are all the 5 locations to get Pufferfish.


Cider Lake

This is the location where you first learned how to fish in the quest, Exploding Population. Teleport to the Waypoint which is North of Springvale and head to this location.

East of Koseki Village

Teleport to the Statue of Seven of this region and head Southwest to find the fishing spot.

East of Liyue Harbour

You can find this location in the Southeast of the Liyue Fishing Association. It will be near the Pearl Gallery.

West of Dawn Winery

There’s a small island just west of Dawn Winery where you can find a decent amount of Pufferfish.



Both Pufferfish and Bitter Pufferfish can be found here. You can use both the teleports in Ritou to get to the location. Just head towards the dock from the teleport to find the location. Teleporting to the Waypoint near the dock would be faster.

Genshin Impact is a free-to-play gacha-based role-playing game currently available on PC, PS4, PS5, Android, and iOS

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