How to Unlock Empty Boat Thousand Gates Domain

Tapi Ampa
By Tapi Ampa 3 Min Read

Genshin Impact 2.0 has lots of domains that require players to solve certain puzzles or do a quest beforehand. One such domain is the Empty Boat Thousand Gates Domain. This domain can be found underwater. One has to lower the level of the water in order to get to the domain. It doesn’t just end here.

Players have to do a quest called Sacred Sakura Cleansing quest before moving forward with unlocking this domain. Here is a guide to help you with unlocking this domain easily. In the second part of the Sacred Sakura Cleansing quest, you’ll get a Memento lens. This Memento lens is necessary for the first half of the process of unlocking the domain.

Genshin Impact Araumi Puzzle | Araumi Underground location

Head to Araumi and activate the four Electro mechanisms surrounding the old stone tower and the large tree. There are four Electro mechanisms in total. Three of them are activated by simply using an Electro attack on them, but one is surrounded by Electro squares. You need to turn them in the correct order to solve this Araumi electro puzzle and activate the mechanism.

  • Use the Memento lens on the kitsune statues inside the stone tower.
  • Pull the three switches to open the floor below you. You’ll reach the Sacred Sakura Cleansing ritrual location.
  • Go towards your left for the location to unlock the underwater domain. you’ll encounter another Electro block puzzle that controls the water level.
  • Shoot the blocks until the sides facing you are blank. The water level goes down and you can find new areas leading to the domain. you can jump down and swim through the tunnel, then go up the stairs.
  • The third and final Electro square puzzle needed to unlock the Empty Boat of a Thousand Gates Domain can be found here.
  • Open the round door, then proceed through the lower round door in the next room (on your left) and just keep following the path while defeating the mechanical enemies as you encounter them. Continue your way on the upper floor. This is where you find the Empty Boat of a Thousand Gates entry puzzles.

The puzzle to unlock the domain requires stepping on each tile once, ending on the one with the blue haze. To solve both puzzles, just walk in a circle (outer ring, then inner ring) until you’re done.

The domain will finally be unlocked after solving these 2 puzzles.

Genshin Impact is a free-to-play gacha-based role-playing game currently available on PC, PS4, PS5, Android, and iOS.

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