Should You Play CS GO in 2020?

By Usaid 5 Min Read

The long and short answer is yes, you should definitely play CS GO. Even if you don’t like it, you can try it for free. But if you long for simpler times where only your skills would let you win a game, this is the game to go. No killstreaks, no upgrades no buffs, just pure skill. The best part that I like about this game is its feel and mechanics.

Balance And Skill Based Play

Valve has released numerous updates and patches over the years that have nerfed and buffed many elements of the game. The reactions to these changes have been well, mixed. However, the state of the balance of the game is really exceptional. All the weapons in the game feel distinct but familiar if that makes any sense. Nothing is useless or overpowered. Every weapon and item has a near-perfect balance of its value and price.

The game is purely skill-based. All weapons deal great amounts of damage which results in an extremely low time to kill. Each weapon has a distinct recoil pattern with general inaccuracy while moving and shooting. This results in scenarios where you have the best gear in the game and still get one tapped by a USP just because your opponent knows exactly what he’s doing. People have spent thousands of hours mastering the game but still say they have a lot more to learn. The skill ceiling is really high for this game.


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Maps And Movement

dust 2 - the profaned otaku

The maps in CS GO are meticulously designed with every detail and corner having a purpose. Dust 2 perhaps is one of the most iconic maps in video game history. All the maps largely follow a 4-square map design. This makes every map feel distinct and consistent at the same time. The competitive maps are for the most part, extremely balanced for the CTs and the Ts with a lot of tactical options for both sides. A complete game requires you to play both on the T side and the CT side so any balancing issues negate out. The last part is the fun factor. You know the devs have done something right when the maps are fun even after playing for thousands of hours.

The movement is also really well done with a free-flowing and fast-paced feel to it. There are many advanced techniques and manoeuvres that help you to gain an advantage over your opponents. Whether it be jumping AWP shots in Mirage or a three-man tower in Overpass, there are many examples that prove the depth of movement mechanics in this game.

The Community

CS GO is pretty much a community game. The game itself was a mod of Half-Life. All the maps including the iconic Dust 2 are a community made. As far as I know, Overpass and Cobblestone are the only two competitive maps made by Valve. But when it comes to the players, you might be mistaken that most of them are just angry little kids hurling abuses at you but there are actually really good people out there who will help you get better at the game. I myself have found some really funny and genuine people in solo queue lobbies that have turned out to be my go-to friends for competitive matches. There are a lot of hackers and cheaters as well which Valve is actively trying to remove.


The feeling that you get after winning an intense round of competition is unmatched. And this is coming from a guy who doesn’t seem to get a lot into online gaming.

Do you play CS GO? Tell us down in the comments. For more should you play articles, stay tuned to the Profaned Otaku.

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By Usaid
A prototypical computer nerd. Anything tech or games, count me in.