V Rising: How to Get Hollowfang BattleGear Set

By Aman 3 Min Read

V Rising has put an excellent impact on the gaming charts since its release. Players all around the globe have appreciated the new Vampire survival RPG for its immense challenges, boss battles, and much other engrossing stuff.

In V Rising, we need to fight strong enemies and bosses that come our way to the journey’s end, and the fights become even more intense as we progress through the game story. In order to be more effective during battles, we must have better battle gears according to the stage we are in. Luckily, V Rising offers a good deal of battle gears, and we believe most of you are eager to obtain them.

In this article, we specifically discuss how you can obtain Hollowfang battle gear in V Rising.


V Rising: How to Get Hollowfang BattleGear Set

Here’s a list of things included in the Hollowfang Battlegear:

  • Hollowfang Chestguard
  • Hollowfang Boots
  • Hollowfang Gloves
  • Hollowfang Leggings

Hollowfang gear sets are craftable, so in order to get them, you must collect all the recipes or items needed for crafting. To get those crafting materials, you need to indulge yourself in a fight with the fearsome Boss, Quincey the Bandit King. Defeating this particular boss grants you every important material to craft the Hollowfang Gear.

Now the problematic situation where players usually get confused, “Where is the exact location of the special boss Bandit King”? 

You can discover Quincey the Bandit King in the Bandit Stronghold located in the middle of the Farnbane woods. As you reach there, you will witness some regular enemies defending the gates of Bandit Stronghold. Without avoiding, you must fight them and clear your way to Quincey the Bandit King.


Once you reach your destination, get yourself ready for a fight with the Special Boss. The best way to defeat Quincey is to fight against him in a passive manner, or you can say that prioritizing dodges more in place of attacking would be a wiser thing to do. Additionally, you must ensure to stay away or dodge the Shockwaves released by the special boss as they can conflict heavy damage to you.

After defeating Quincey the Bandit King, you will be rewarded with special items like Vampiric Powers, Structures, and the Recipes needed to craft Hollowfang Battle gear.


We hope that this article helped you in providing the pieces of information you were looking for. You can visit our page to get more information on V Rising.

V Rising is an action-adventure survival game currently available on the PC platform.

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