How to Unlock Shakkei Pavillion Domain in Genshin Impact

Tapi Ampa
By Tapi Ampa 2 Min Read

Shakkei Pavillion is a tricky domain to unlock for most casual Genshin Impact players. It cannot be unlocked normally like a normal domain. It is to note that this is a one-time domain but the rewards are worth unlocking. Unlocking it requires the players to solve a small and easy puzzle that includes firing a canon. Located in the south of Tatarasuna, this one-time domain can only be unlocked after completing the Tartara Tales. Players have to use three Kamuijima Cannons to blow up some rifts. These rifts look like crystalline portals.

How to Use Kamuijima Cannons?

All one has to do is summon electrogranum and then activate the cannon. From there, the regular movement options correspond with the movement of the cannon.

Unlock Shakkei Pavillion Domain

There are 3 places where the Kamuijima Cannon stands. The location of them is given below in the picture.


You can use the southmost cannon to break the stone wall blocking the Shakkei Pavillion Domain. Once the wall is destroyed, you can go to the domain and unlock it. Players will get free 40 Primogems plus some ascension materials after unlocking it.

Genshin Impact is a free-to-play gacha-based role-playing game currently available on PC, PS4, PS5, Android, and iOS

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