Genshin Impact Leaked Information on Patch 1.1 Are Fake

By theprofanedotaku 3 Min Read

A few days ago, Genshin Impact patch notes for update 1.1 were leaked by a discord user who goes by the name Shenji. The upcoming changes according to the leaks were pretty doubtful. As the patch notes mentioned the game won’t display gacha rates, 8 players multiplayer content and much more. While some of the changes and new additions like characters and map were believable we were not sure about the others.

Also Read: Genshin Impact Cross-Platform Support: Everything you need to know

So, while we were gathering some information on the patch notes. A Reddit user who goes by the name u/kiet91 shared reasonable research on Genshin Impact patch 1.1 leaks.


Upon checking the sources he provided we think that Genshin Impact patch 1.1 leak is indeed a fake rumour. Now, to be clear there’s a chance that we might see some of those changes in the future update but don’t take it as a confirm patch note.

Genshin Impact patch 1.1
Chinese Players talking about Genshin Impact fake patch notes.


Genshin Impact patch 1.1: Reddit user kiet91 original postGenshin Impact PC open beta

Hi, first time doing a really long post on Reddit so hopefully it won’t be hard to read.
Also english is not my main language.

So, a lot of people are talking about the leaks, from a single Discord Screen, which is not a trustful source at all.

Honestly, when I saw the changes I was thinking it was too good to be true, 8 players coop this soon? A new gacha system that allows players to get a 5* within 50 pulls?!


So I did some researchs, first I took this screenshot that someone post to back up the famous discord screenshot :
I went to i2OCR, and yes it was exactly what the Discord Screenshot said but it’s still not enough!

I DM’ed the original poster, and a few minutes later, he/she was gone, and I couldn’t find him/her on Discord. I just asked for the chinese website though…


Then I went to “baidu” a Chinese website, apparently a forum where people talk about games and stuff. And I found this topic :
Use your google translate and you’ll see, the discord screen is fake news, everything is, it’s just a rumour from the Chinese side and now it’s spreading thanks to some english creators and other people.

That’s it for me, also I don’t speak or understand chinese AT ALL.
I wish the gacha change was true though 🙁

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