Halo Infinite will serve as an entry point for new players

Shreyansh Katsura
By Shreyansh Katsura 2 Min Read

343’s Halo Infinite was a major focus at last night’s Xbox Games Showcase event. We got our first gameplay footage of the game which showed us a  returning Master Chief exploring vast open spaces and shooting the enemy factions called The Banished.

Microsoft had previously confirmed that Halo Infinite is a “spiritual” reboot of the series but studio head Chris Lee and Associate Creative Director Paul Crocker had further elaborated what we can expect in this upcoming first person shooter.

Speaking with IGN, they discussed as to how Halo Infinite will serve as an entry point for new players as both the Chief and the Pilot are also in the same position as the players. What they meant by this is that even they do not know what happened at the end of Halo 5,


They also confirmed that there won’t be a “recap” segment from Halo 5 which clearly implies that even if Halo Infinite is a direct sequel, its narrative threads won’t feel disoriented if one hasn’t experienced the predecessor. Although they did confirmed that the knowledge of Halo lore will be rewarded if not necessarily required.

Halo Infinite’s situation is analogous to 2018s’ God Of War which also served as a soft reboot for the epic action adventure series. It not only brought in a plethora of new players but also reinvented the game’s formula in meaningful ways.

So far, Halo Infinite looks to be a polished entry that seems to be emphasizing on its narrative and campaign, possibly making it the “most ambitious” Halo campaign ever made.

As someone who has never played a Halo game in over 15 years, I’m really looking forward to it.



Missed last nights’ Xbox Games Showcase? You can check out our roundup of  all the biggest announcements in here.


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