Valheim Station is too exposed: How to make your machines work in Valheim PC

By Usaid 1 Min Read

Valheim is an extremely popular survival game, featuring roguelike procedural generation and brutal survival mechanics. The game is set in a beautiful Viking-themed setting where mythic creatures roam around, devouring anyone in their path.

Valheim’s crafting system is simple yet effective. However, it has some nuanced touches that could make the experience a bit cumbersome for newer players, such as the station being too exposed error.

How To Make Your Machines Work In Valheim?

If players are encountering such an error, this means that the machine would require some form of shelter to operate. Putting a roof over the machine should serve to fix this issue, but that’s the best case scenario. Adverse weather effects such as rain can mean providing extra shelter to the machines, so players will need to build a proper base of operations to house their machines in.


About Valheim PC: A brutal exploration and survival game for 1-10 players, set in a procedurally-generated purgatory inspired by Viking culture. Battle, build, and conquer your way to a saga worthy of Odin’s patronage!

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By Usaid
A prototypical computer nerd. Anything tech or games, count me in.