What is Tap Strafing in Apex Legends

By Aman 2 Min Read

Apex legends is an online Battle royal game where to win a game, you have to constantly manoeuvre around the map and fight. To outplay your enemies and dodge the barrage of bullets that they shower on you – out of many options, tap-strafing is the one that always works like a charm.

Tap-strafing is basically a hard, mid-air turn that PC players have developed to ensure a higher chance of survival on the playing field. It’s a legal manoeuvre, not a glitch.

This is possible for PC players can also bind jump command to their mouse’s scroll wheel to help them tap-strafe and change directions with even more precision to evade an incoming attack or manoeuvre it into a counter-attack.


Since Apex has a Cross-play platform, this manoeuvre is technically possible for controller players but it’s far easier to execute with a Mouse and Keyboard setup. While gamepad players can technically tap-strafe, it’s far easier to execute with a keyboard-and-mouse setup.

On August 31, Respawn has officially announced that they will be removing Tap-strafing from the game in the 10.1 patches. The official release date of the patch is unknown.

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