How To Cure Illnesses And Sicknesses In The Bloodline

Karan Yadav
By Karan Yadav 2 Min Read

The Bloodline is an exciting game that can sometimes throw unexpected challenges your way, such as illnesses and sicknesses. These ailments can significantly impact your gameplay by depleting your health and hindering your progress.

In this guide, we will walk you through the simple steps to cure illnesses and sicknesses in The Bloodline and get back on your feet.

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How To Cure Illnesses And Sicknesses In The Bloodline

Screenshot via Kage848 on YouTube

One of the common illnesses you may encounter in The Bloodline is the coughing illness. This illness can be quite debilitating as it gradually drains your health, putting your character’s life at risk. Each cough costs you 10 HP, so it’s essential to address this issue promptly before it leads to your demise.


To cure illnesses in The Bloodline, you need to find a bed and get some rest. Fortunately, there is a free bed available in the building where you start the game. This bed serves as your sanctuary, providing a much-needed respite from the harsh realities of The Bloodline.

To access the bed, make your way to the starting area and locate the building. Once inside, find the bed and lie down to rest. You can choose to sleep for an hour or as long as you prefer. When you wake up, you’ll find that your illness has been cured, and your health restored to its former glory.

However, if you find yourself far from a bed, you can use the in-game menu to navigate back to the starting area quickly. Simply press “Esc,” select “Overworld,” and return to the starting area. This will bring you closer to a bed, allowing you to sleep off your sickness.

That’s everything you need to know in this guide. We hope you find this guide helpful. If so, check out our other guides on The Bloodline.

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