Marvel Avengers Game: What to do after entering beta code on avengers website

By theprofanedotaku 3 Min Read

Marvel Avengers Beta is an upcoming action-adventure videogame from Crystal Dynamics. The game will release on all major current-gen platforms on September 4, 2020. People who pre-ordered the game on PlayStation are already enjoying the beta version of the game. Marvel Avengers beta will be available on different platforms in three phases. We have already talked about it in our other article where we explain how to download the beta. Here is a short summary of the beta lunch phases:

  • First Phase: August 7, 2020: PlayStation 4 and PS4 Pro users who have pre-ordered the game can download and play the beta.
  • Second Phase: August 14, 2020: The beta is available for free on for PS4 and PS4 Pro users. While PC and Xbox users can access the beta if they have pre-ordered the game. Furthermore, for players who are on the PC and Xbox platform and haven’t pre-ordered the game can’t access the beta.
  • Third Phase: August 21, 2020: Marvel’s Avengers Beta is open to everyone on every major platform. This means PlayStation, Xbox, and PC players can enjoy the beta. Even without pre-order.

What to do after entering Marvel Avengers beta code on avengers website

Now moving on to the topic, Many people were able to get their hands on the beta code early on for PC( Thanks to Intel). But, the biggest issue we saw during Marvel Avengers Beta is that players entered their beta key on the Marvel Avengers beta redeem site and nothing happened. When they entered it again they got the message ” The code is already used”.

Marvel Avengers Game What to do after entering beta code on avengers website The Profaned otakuYou don’t have to panic as once you enter the code Square Enix will send you a new mail after 3 to 4 hours. This mail includes the beta code for your respective platform. If you applied it through Intel promotion on PC. Then you will get a steam code and so on. Enter the code on the respective store to begin the download.


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A simple shut-in otaku, Computer Engineer by degree and System Engineer by profession. Founder of The Profaned Otaku, a gamer and anime fan. Favorite games Apex Legends, Fallout 76, R6, The Last of Us Part 2, and some others. That's all... Need the latest updates on Videogames, Tips, Guides, Opinions. Be sure to follow me on The Profaned Otaku.